A Parent’s Guide for Preparing for Back-To-School

Preparing for the back-to-school season can be both exciting and challenging for parents. We have a few tips that can help you set your child up for success this school year!

Here are 9 tips to help you and your child get ready for a successful school year from a literacy specialist:

  1. Establish a routine - Create a daily routine that includes set times for waking up, getting dressed, meals, homework, and bedtime. Consistency is key.

  2. Prioritize sleep - Sufficient sleep is essential for emotional regulation cognitive function and academic performance. Build out a consistent bedtime routine that gets them in bed at a regular and early time.

  3. Organize supplies - Ensure your child has all of the school supplies they need and label their belonging to keep them organized. Organization leads to success.

  4. Prepare a homework space - Designate a quiet, well-lit area for homework and studying. Ensure it's stocked with necessary supplies like pencils, paper, and reference materials.

  5. Communicate with teachers - Exchange contact information and establish open lines of communication with teachers.

  6. Healthy protein packed foods - Protein plays a crucial role in their growth, development, cognitive function and overall health. Keep this in mind when packing their lunches and planning meals for the family.

  7. Modelling positive self talk - Positive self talk has a profound impact on a child’s self-esteem and emotional well-being. Practice using growth mindset phrases around the house.

  8. Foster independence - Encourage them to take responsibility for their schoolwork and daily tasks.

  9. Connection - What children need most in order to be successful, is someone who believes in their abilities. Connect with them, encourage them and spend quality time with them.

Wishing you a great school year!


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