Find out if your child is on track with literacy!

The Active Reader Literacy Test helps you to evaluate your child’s literacy skills and language development in only 3 minutes.

About the Literacy Test

The Active Reader Literacy Test is a quick assessment of literacy development in children between the age of two and seven.

The test will go through a set of simple questions you can easily answer as a parent for your child just based on your own observations.

The results help to find out if your child’s development is age appropriate and allow you to recognize early signs of a speech delay or other future reading struggles.

Prevention, early identification and targeted intervention are key to address potential struggles in your child’s ability to speak, read and write. Mastering these essential skills is critical for growing your child’s confidence and creating a foundation to experience life long success.

Invest only a few minutes of your time to see where your child stands today, and to discover the best path to get them to that foundation.

Preview of one question in The Active Reader Literacy Test